Sunday, May 4, 2008

Three Headed Frog

So imagine your in your garden, watering your plants, and you see a three headed frog hopping around? What would you think? Children in a nursery in England spotted a three headed frog and were completely shocked! The creature has six legs which are all fully functional. It looks almost as if three frogs were fused together. The frog is believed to be the result of environmental changes. Others believe that the embryo just got banged around. What is really weird is that my brother saw the video of this frog on you tube and he said he would like a three-headed pet of his own. However, I don’t think he will be getting one anytime soon. I feel bad for the frog head at the bottom

Friday, May 2, 2008

New Fish!

With my sister moving out of my room last weekend I have the whole room to myself. I decided what better way to celebrate then with a new fish. So I drove down to pet land and decided to buy a red scissortail Siamese Fighting Fish, commonly called a “scissortail betta,”. It is one of the most popular species of freshwater aquarium fish. They are known for there brilliant coloration, and long flowing fins. They can grow up to three inches and live for two to three years. In nature Bettas eat insects and insect larvae. They are built with an upturned mouth that is well suited to snatching any insect that might fall into the water. Internally their digestive system is geared for meat, having a much shorter alimentary track than vegetarian fish. For this reason, live foods are the ideal diet for the betta, however they adapt to eating flake foods and frozen and freeze dried foods. What I found interesting about the Betta when reading a fact sheet that they had at the pet store is that Bettas have a special respiratory organ that allows them to breath air directly from the surface. In fact they inherently must do so. In experiments where the labyrinth organ was removed, the fish died from suffocation even though the water was saturated with oxygen. For this reason, Bettas must have access to the water surface to breath air directly from the atmosphere. Ive had the fish for two days now and he seems to be doing well. I haven’t decided a name yet but I will keep you posted!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Grand Theft Auto IV

Im sure everybody either has heard about the new release of Grand Theft Auto IV, is dying to play, or has already played it. My little brother has the game, and every previous version too it, also every violent game that exists. This new game has all the “hottest features”, intense violence, strong language, use of drugs, sex, and nudity. Grand Theft Auto IV is a game where you play the bad guy who steals and commits crimes to win. The issues regarding the game has been all over the news lately, and I think it’s a good thing because not many parents, like my mom, know about how bad this game is for young kids to be playing. A local child and adolescent psychiatrist says not only should children not watch such games, but also questions why any adult would want to. He says the desensitization is just like what the military does to train troops to go into battle. This game rewards bad behavior, which is how you win. Children who watch and play these games can be negatively effected.


You Keep Me Up
Wiping away these tears
Of everything I fear
Screaming in your face
Just to find my place
Fading into the night
This just doesn’t seem right
Letting go of the past
Hoping to make us last
What should I see
Who should I be
Slipping into a dream
Where I’m not even seen
Falling over this edge
Your love is my ledge